Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fogo Volcano: Fire-hole Surrounded by Water

 Cape Verde is an island-country, located in mid Atlantic Ocean. This is a small country with big density of people. This country has a few volcanoes. Fogo is the youngest and most active volcano among them. This island is located in the chain of volcanic islands. As a result, Fogo has the probability of frequent eruption. This volcano erupted in 1951 and 1995. Last eruption damaged this small island in large scale.

On 2nd April of 1995, the eruption began. At first, some small earthquakes was about to take place before 7 days. On the second day of April, those earthquakes increased in size. Their frequency also increased. At about 8 pm, a heavy earthquake struck the island. In midnight the volcano blasted. There were huge activities like explosive blast. A high fountain of fire was appeared and a lava flow cut off the road-connection between Caldera and Portela. There were near about fourteen thousand people, living in that village. They fled by the night to the nearer village for safety. No one was killed by this time but some people had to take medical treatment. Fumes and particles of ash came from eruption caused breathing problems. 

On 3rd April, a thick and dark cloud of ash covered the whole island. The height of the cloud was 2.5 to 5 kilometers. The eruption produced lava bombs that went up to 500 meters from the vent. On 4th April, the lava fountain became 400 meters high and the ash-cloud reached about 2 kilometers. Lava started coming out from another vent. On April 5, the lava reached the western wall of caldera village and destroyed five houses. By this attack the main reservoir of the village was also damaged. The local authority took over 3000 people to another place.

After first three days the lava-flow became moderate and steady. The lava fountain built a 140 meters high cone. Lava flowed towards west side to Caldera. Then it turned to the north. On 13rd of April, another flow started coming out and entirely spread all places covered with the earlier flow. It destroyed another house. By 17th day of April, the flow advanced more four thousand meters in the village of Portela. It was almost to destroy the nearer house but stopped again.

 This lava flow took a lot of time to be cold as usual. No people were killed by this eruption. The quantity of loss was huge for the small and poor country. Though Cape Verde is located in The Atlantic Ocean, the probability of eruption is not finished. It may erupt anytime.  


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